How to Have the Most Productive Day Ever
Set realistic wake up goals. Stop snoozing. Multiple studies have shown that falling in and out of sleep in between snoozes is pretty much the same as no sleep at all. Not only it ruins your sleep but it ruins your attitude too, screwing up your entire day. Who wants to feel like a loser who missed the alarm, dashed out of bed, rushed to work without so much as a sip of coffee and ended up starting their day in such a terrible way? Not you, we can tell you that.
Your to-do list is your new best friend. Split your day into two: Important work early in the morning, meetings and phone calls later in the afternoon. Did you know that your brain works best the first 4 hours after waking up? This half and half approach to your day helps organize, prioritize, and follow your daily routine easier, without distractions.
Be thoughtful about breakfast. And lunch. And dinner. It’s what keeps you going. Fuel your day with breakfast, re-energize with lunch (whether you make it an hour, 30 minutes or 15 minutes), and then relax at dinner. Design your eating routine around your work schedule and keep in mind that food interacts with your brain —it can boost or kill your productivity. Still considering skipping a meal?

How to: Have the Most Productive Day Ever
Losing track of time because of social media? Checking your email while at a meeting? Focus. Don’t do multiple things well. Do one thing really, really well. You can handle most issues in 30 minutes or less, but to do so demands your full attention. No distractions. Why try keeping up with everything at once, just to end up anxious and irritated? Did you know that reducing your stress levels increases your productivity?
Tim Ferris says, “Define your one or two most important to-dos before dinner, the day before.” This technique relieves anxiety and helps you unwind. Now you can focus on that bubble bath, glass of wine, movie night,or quality time with family and friends without worrying too much about tomorrow’s chores. Productivity refueled.